Where is located La Ressence ?
La Ressence is in between the villages of Bonnieux and Lourmarin alongside the road D943.
Can we eat at La Ressence ?
La Ressence does not make restaurant type meals. But if you order 24hours before we can offer you some plates ”fraicheur” composed with assortiment of cuts, fresh organic vegetables of the day, cheese and dessert at 25 €, wines not included. We offer a nice range of wines selected from partners wineyards of the area.
La Ressence is far away from walking trails ?
There is a large number of walking trails in the Luberon very well signaled. La Ressence is in the center of this network that you can reach directly from inside the property.
Where can we eat ?
La Ressence is located at 5km from the villages of Bonnieux and Lourmarin, where there is a large choice of restaurants.
What can we visit ?
Le Ressence is located in the centre of the Luberon, you are ideally located to see the north Luberon villages : Gordes, Menerbes, Roussillon, Lacoste, Bonnieux, Oppèdes Le vieux, Goult, etc… and the south Luberon villages : Lourmarin, Cucuron, Vaugines, Ansouis, La Tour d’Aigues, etc…
La Ressence is also very near the big provencal cities : 40 minutes from AIx en Provence, 1hour from Avignon and Marseille.
There is a lot of trafic on the road in front of the property ?
With the COVID all french people stay in France for their holidays, and by summer time Luberon has seen much more tourists than usual. The road is the main one across the Luberon, but from 8.00 p.m. the trafic is very low and none during the night. For the ones who want to enjoy a long morning in bed, we advise to close the window early in the morning as the house is very well isolated against noise and heat.
Do you sell wine at La Ressence ?
W e work with selected wineyards from the area and we can offer a large range of côte du Luberon and côte du Ventoux in white, rosé and red at very attractive prices. Add to that in those properties our guest will have some discount on wine purchase.